We use spreadsheets for numerical or logical data. You can link cells with other cells and do arithmetic, statistical and finalcial calculations.
Excel is the spreadsheet application in the Windows Microsoft Office package.
- The cells are arranged in a grid. Each cells has a name, with the letter of the column and the number of the row.
- When a cell is activated, a black frame appears around it.
- To select a row or colum, click on the corresponding number or letter. If you want to select several cells, rows or columns, use Control or Shift keys.
- Before entering any data into the spreadsheet, it is a good idea to format the cell using the formatting bar or formanting menu formato.
- You can enter numerical data into a cell and/or refer to the number in another cell. For example, =100*F6 multiplies the value or cell F6 by 100.
- When you enter data, it appears simultaneosly in the corresponding cell in the formula bar. Once you have entered the data, press Enter to confirm.
- A formula is an expression that refers to another cell or cells in a spreadsheet an carries out operations using the data in those cells. To enter a formula, click on the formula bar or the cells and type the equals sign (=) following by the operation required.
- Funtions, for example =PROMEDIO(A2:D2) calculates the average or the numbers in cells in the range A2:D2, that is in cells A2, B2, C2 and D2.
- To make charts in Exell, all you have to do is folow the instructions given by the wizard, and choose your options according to your needs. You can change any part of the chart alfter is has been created. To do this, right click on the part of the chart you can to change.
1.- Look for data on the Internet and make a chart showing the
population of Spain from 1900 to the present. Now write a paragraph in
your blog summarising the changes. For explample: "from...to ...,
increase/rise/fall/decrease/remail the same/pak..."2.- What kind of chart would you use to present the following types of data?
a) elections results, b)Changes in petrol prices over time, c)
Population of the different Spanins regions, d) Distribution of pupils
in the class by height range.
Now work in pairs, create a chart for each one and copy them into your blog.3.- Make an invoice/bill.
A percentage is a fraction with 100 on bottom. It tells you “an amount out of 100/Percent/%/in every 100”.
Percentages, fractions and decimals are linked: 7% =7/100=0.07
To calculate a percentage you have to use this equation:
(i) VAT means Value Added Tax: 18%
(ii) SLOPE of a road: 10%
(ii) PROFITS: Often the profits, loss or discount are given in percentage: 20%Profit (Profit/Cost*100%).
1º) A bill has 18%VAT of a product that cost 160euros NET. Calculate the total bill including this VAT.
2º) A garage bill for repairs a car came to 300euros including VAT at 18%. Calculate the bill before VAT was added.
3º) Often
a slope is given in percentage (slope%=vertical change/horizontal
change). Calculate the slope of a mountain when you hiking it along 20km
and 800metres of height.
4º) An article was bought for 60€ and sold for a profit of 15%. Calculate the selling price.
5º) In a school of 520 student, 35% play games. How many pupils don´t play anything.
6º) A dealer bought a piano for 4.000€ and sold it for 5.000€. Calculate the amount of profit made.
Mean of set values is the sum of all values divided by the number of
values. Mean is the proper name of “AVARAGE”= Sum(all)/number valous(n)"
MODE: Mode is the value that occurs most often (highest frequency, most popular value).
Median is the middle value. E.g. 8,9,2,6,2,7,8,10,2… first we write
them in according order: 2,2,2,6,7,8,8,9,10 …so the median of this
numbers is the 7.
1º) The result of a survey of a number of passengers carried by taxis (a day), was recorded as follows:
- a) Calculate the MEAN number per taxi (a day).
- b) What´s the MODE number.
- c) Represent the information with a table.
- d) Draw a BAR CHAR to illustrate the data.
2º) The frequency distribution table below shows the number of goals score by 6 teams in matches, each team playing four times. (goals by matches, each team playing four times)
- TEAM "A": 0-0-1-2 goals
- TEAM "B": 1-0-2-3 goals
- TEAM "C": 1-2-2-0 goals
- TEAM "D": 1-1-1-2 goals
- TEAM "E": 2-3-3-1 goals.
- TEAM "F": 2-1-2-3 goals.
- a) What´s the MODE of the distribution of GOALS.
- b) Calculate the MEAN number of goals scored per match.
3º) Do a REPORT using a WORD PROCCESOR but including charts from the SPREADSHEE of the statistics of the HEIGHT and WEIGH of your class.
3º) Do a REPORT using a WORD PROCCESOR but including charts from the SPREADSHEE of the statistics of the HEIGHT and WEIGH of your class.
- Alfredo: 1.70m-70kg.
- Juan: 1.65m-60kg.
- Laura: 1.65m-55kg.
- María: 1.67m-60kg.
- etc...etc..
- Mean of Height.
- Mean of Weigh
- Chart of all Height
- Chart of all Weing.
- Write down your own conclusion about the resolt.
4º) Do a report of the statistics of your exam marks.
5º) Do a report of the statistics of your free time and write down several conclusion similar to these:
e. What generalization can you make about the effect on the median
and the mean if the outlier is greater than the other data?
5º) Do a report of the statistics of your free time and write down several conclusion similar to these:
- In the weekend we sleep a eight per cent more than in the weekdays.
- In the weekend we don´t go to the school, and in the weekdays we spend a twenty five per cent of our day in the school.
- In the weekdays we do more homework than in the weekends.
- We spend the same time eating in the weekend and in the weekdays.
Average Height
(in centimeters)
Average Height
(in centimeters)
Collie Doberman Poodle
German Shepherd
Golden Retriever
Labrador Retriever
Chihuahua Cocker Spaniel Bull Mastiff
Shih Tzu
a. Organize the data into two groups—breeds shorter than 40 cm and breeds taller than 40 cm. What is the mean, median, and mode of each group?
b. What happens to the mean,
median, and mode of the tallest group
if you include the shortest
breed’s height as an outlier?
c. What generalization can you make about the effect on the median and
the mean if the outlier is less than the other data?
d. What happens to the mean,
median, and mode of the shortest group if you include
the tallest breed’s height as an outlier?